Attract Clients

There are two ways to get clients...

Chase them...

Or attract them.

Which do you do?

Mirror Test

Hopefully you are starting to unwind for a long weekend full of rest, relaxation and fun.  It is important to take advantage of down time to recharge the battery and have a little fun.  While relaxing take some time to reflect on your business and apply the mirror test...

Hold up a mirror to your business and ask yourself if your work is an actual reflection of how the tasks should be completed at the maximum level of efficiency.  What do you see?

Are all assignments performed at the highest level of optimization or could you improve?  Do you perform all tasks the same way every time to ensure quality or do you skip steps?

Take some time this weekend to relax and check back Monday for the first step in optimizing your business!

Goal Setting

One of the first steps in organizing your business is setting goals.  Having goals not only helps you plan for the future but also enables you to see past obstacles and prevents you from wandering off your path.

Biggest Competition

Sometimes your biggest competition is yourself.  You have to shed your ego and stubbornness at the door and push to achieve your goals!!!

Organizational Strategies

The goal is to manage your business so it doesn't run you.  Paradoxically, this can only happen once you've made yourself obsolete.  When the day comes that you don't need to be present and your business can still be productive you are on the verge of a breakthrough!